Our Story
Born and raised in Hyderabad, India, Rajeev has always been curious about the melding of cultures around him. Hyderabad, rich in arts, literature, architecture is home to a multi-ethnic population. In this centuries old city, the old blends with the new. Its various museums famously house pieces that skillfully imbibe foreign art techniques alongside native styles. This multi-ethnic immersion was the central motive of his Namaste Plaza - Moline, a grocery store that he has been running for nearly two decades now.
When Rajeev moved to the US for better prospects, he brought with him these values he had grown up with. The store now carries groceries used across the Indian sub-contintent, Middle-Eastern, African, and Asian cuisines.
What he is most happy about is his customer base, who come from about 15 cities around the area. Moline, after all, is one of the four quad cities traversing across two states and home to a multi-cultural population not different from Rajeev's native Hyderabad.
A big believer in organic produce, Rajeev sources over 100 varieties of produce. Combined with its expansive selection of groceries, he is confident Namaste Plaza - Moline is sure to carry everything on your grocery list!Â
The next time you're in the store, say Hello to him. Greeting his customers and learning where they come from, Rajeev says, is most fulfilling to him as a small business owner!

Opening Hours
T-F: 10am-8:30pm